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Delete Temporary Files
How to delete temporary files from C drive
Double click on My Computer
Right click on Local Disk (c:) and select properties
Select Disk Cleanup on the General tab
Check only the following items in the Disk Cleanup Window and select
OK to perform task
Temporary Internet Files
Recycle Bin
Temporary Files
Temporary Offline Files
Offline Files
Select Yes on the pop-up Are you sure you want to perform these
Select OK to close Local Disk Properties window
Double click on the Local Disk C
If the window "These files are hidden" comes up left click on Show
the Contents of This Folder
Double click on the Documents and Settings folder
If the window "These files are hidden" comes up left click on Show
the Contents of This Folder
Double click on the user folder that matches your sign-in userid
Double click on the Local Settings folder
Note: If the Local Settings folder is not listed then perform the
Select Tools from the menu pull down bar
Select Folder Options
Select the View tab
In the Advanced Settings section select Show Hidden Files and
Folders and select OK
Double click on the Local Settings folder
Double click on the Temp folder
Select View from the menu pull down bar and select Details
Sort the contents by Type - To do this left click on the word Type
from the column headings across the top of the window
NOTE: If you try to delete a file but the system will not delete it
and the message comes up that the file is being used by another
person or program, just select OK and ignore that file.
Delete all files that start with ~
Delete all files that start with Perflib
Delete all files that end with .tmp
Delete all files that end with .dmp
Delete all files that are listed as an HTML Document in the Type
Delete all files that are listed as an EMF Image in the Type field
Delete all files that are listed as a TMP File in the Type field
Exit from the directory to close this window